The NIRB periodically issues news releases and other announcements to the public related to regulatory improvement initiatives and other general updates.

Access news releases and announcements here.


The NIRB and its staff regularly travel throughout Nunavut and beyond to host meetings, hearings and other events where we get to make many new friends and share in memorable experiences together. Luckily many of our board and staff members also happen to be great photographers and are able to capture the fun in photos!

Access photos from various NIRB events here.


In trying to ensure that there is a full and fair historical record of its proceedings for each of the NIRB’s assessments that is also readily accessible to all, the NIRB occasionally allows filming to occur at its public meetings, hearings and other events.  However, the NIRB respects the need to ensure that participants at its meetings and public hearings are not unduly limited in their willingness and ability to participate fully, and the NIRB requires that any filming must not become intrusive or disruptive.

The NIRB may also periodically release updates and announcements through this website using video recordings.

Videos from NIRB public meetings and hearings will be added to this area of the website as they become available.


The NIRB recognizes the value of community radio as a means to effectively disseminate information among Nunavut communities, and from time to time the NIRB has agreed to allow third parties to access its audio-visual system during public meetings and hearings to capture audio recordings for broadcast on local radio stations and over the internet. The NIRB may also periodically release updates and announcements through this website using audio recordings.

Audio recordings from NIRB public meetings and hearings and recordings associated with other announcements and events will be added to this area of the website as they become available